Are you happy to help with the following?
Homeshare requires the sharer to be at home in the evenings 4 or 5 times per week, please tick the box to confirm that this is suitable for you.
In a typical week, how much time would you expect to spend at home with your householder? How many evenings per week would you be home, and how long (if at all) would you be around during weekdays?
What attracted you to the scheme? (2000 character limit)
Describe yourself in up to 150 words in terms of your personality, hobbies, and interests (2000 character limit)
What do you think you can bring to a homesharing arrangement? (2000 character limit)
We perform checks on all potential homesharers before confirming suitability. If your application moves forward, will you be able to provide contact details of two referees?
If your application moves forward, will you be able to provide 3 pieces of photo and/or address ID for an Enhanced police check?