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Live Twogether solves a wide variety of social issues through the design and implementation of supportive co-living arrangements. 

Learn more about what we do Twogether

In the Media


Ukrainian refugees


Co-living benefits

In The Media

ITV News – Greta and Reek

BBC – Looking at Homeshares

Sky News – One of the best experiences


LiveTwoGether, through its subsidiary Two Generations CIC, matches people who live alone (typically older people or those with disabilities) and have a spare room, with younger people who can provide an overnight presence, companionship and some help with household chores. To see how this works, visit their website.

Homeshare Testimonials

“The highly effective technology that Two Generations have developed will be the key in taking [intergenerational living] from a great idea in theory to something that many, many more people can take up” – Jo Crease, CEO of Together Co and Chair, Local and place-based approaches to tackling loneliness, DCMS.

“My homesharer is wonderful and she is like another member of the family. Having her has been amazing, this has allowed me to sleep so much better because someone is here tonight, it’s a great sense of security. This has also allowed me to stay in my home which has made me so incredibly happy”

“I want to express my deepest gratitude to Two Generations for facilitating a brilliant and equal partnership. Two Generations demonstrate high professionalism, not only for making an [equal] match, but also for managing expectations/concerns beforehand and in real-time. Your genuine care has made a huge difference”.


We provide services to a number of councils and third sector organisations in relation to Ukrainian refugees. Our clients include Harrow council, Enfield council and World Jewish Relief 

Our key areas of focus are:

Safeguarding – supporting organisations to ensure that homes and hosts are safe

Sustainability – carefully matching refugees with hosts to give the co-living arrangement the best chance of success

Support – to hosts, to minimise the chance of distress to both parties and the local authority as a result of a breakdown in the arrangement 

We provide comprehensive account management services and data consultancy.  

Our Services

Expert vetting of potential hosts and their homes using bespoke assessment tools to include rematching where necessary.

Arranging host briefings to manage expectations and lead to sustained matches

Check-in welfare calls after match has been made

Mediation meetings

Ongoing support for hosts and refugees


Our consultancy and project implementation teams help a wide range of clients assess, plan and implement solutions to support vulnerable individuals through co-living arrangements.

Our support ranges from providing intergenerational expertise to help older people to retain their independence, to supporting those with disabilities and improve their mental and physical wellbeing.

We advise and work with the:

  • Public Sector including local authorities and the NHS
  • Private Sector including corporations, housing developers, and private companies
  • Third Sector including charities and not-for-profit organisations.


How We Work Twogether

Our consultants work with you to scope the specific needs of the individuals or organisations to develop a carefully tailored approach.

Our experienced project staff implement a wide range of intergenerational projects – whether it be in care homes, housing associations or the wider community. 

Common services we provide include matching, vetting, referencing, and ongoing support of successful cross generational living arrangements.

Co-Living Benefits

Co-living is an evidence based early intervention that can provide measurable benefits. One example is our subsidiary Two Generations, who match older people living alone to younger, carefully vetted housemates who provides essential companionship and household support.

  • Reduced isolation and loneliness – a
    friendly person around for company
  • Reduced fuel poverty – sharing fuel bills, by heating one home, not two
  • Improved mental health – overnight
    presence for peace of mind
  • Improved physical health – another
    person to do home tasks which might otherwise cause injury
  • Affordability – co-living is generally much cheaper than care, with a bursary scheme in place
  • Support for unpaid carers – co-living can provide support and breaks from caring duties (by doing non-regulated tasks)

Secondary Benefits

  • Easy referral process – no complicated forms
    or time-consuming follow up. Provide us with an
    email or a phone number (having got the
    Householder’s consent), and we’ll do the rest. 
  • Accessibility – the only requirement is a spare
    room; it can support those who don’t meet the
    direct support criteria under the Care Act. 
  • Long term sustainability – Gives people
    choice, control, and support to live independent
    lives. Can support the additional demand from
    self-funders on your organisation from October


  • Reduced costs – quicker hospital discharge,
    and delay or prevention of additional care need

Who we work with

Meet Our Leadership Team

Sam Brandman
Chief Executive Officer

Sam has experience assessing, evaluating and helping designers of projects ranging from small local projects through to multi-billion pound operations. He is passionate about supporting the creation of self-sustaining projects to help people. He is a Chartered Accountant.

Natasha Langleben
Chief Operations Officer

Natasha has published academic research on the topic of isolation, and has been involved as a trustee and other leadership roles for charities and social enterprises; as a qualified social worker, her team has been recognised as “Outstanding” by Ofsted, and she has helped create high performing teams for Councils she has worked with. Prior to social work, Natasha was a strategist working with some of the largest UK brands including Unilever, Sky and DWP.

Lisa Goldsobel
Head of Service Delivery

Lisa has many years of experience in both the property industry and in running intergenerational matching teams. She is passionate about changing people’s lives by providing them with supportive connections.

Philip Monaghan
Business Development Director

Philip has worked as a leader within public service, working on key issues like
affordable housing, quality jobs, social mobility, climate change and
sustainable development. He has supported numerous local authorities and parts of the NHS in service design.

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